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74_543 - Octal Transceiver


74FCT543 auf der A3640

The IDT54/74FCT543/A/C is a non-inverting octal transceiver built using an advanced dual metal CMOS technology. These devices contain two sets of eight D-type latches with separate input and output controls for each set. For data flow from A to B, for example, the A-to-B Enable (_CEAB) input must be LOW in order to enter data from A0–A7 or to take data from B0–B7, as indicated in the Function Table. With _CEAB LOW, a LOW signal on the A-to-B Latch Enable (_LEAB) input makes the A-to-B latches transparent; a subsequent LOW-to-HIGH transition of the _LEAB signal puts the A latches in the storage mode and their outputs no longer change with the A inputs. With _CEAB and _OEAB both LOW, the 3-state B output buffers are active and reflect the data present at the output of the A latches. Control of data from B to A is similar, but uses the _CEBA, _LEBA and _OEBA inputs.

Commo-Nr. C= Bezeichnung C= Info Form Editors Info
391487-01IC 74 FCT 543 SOICSMD A-4091SO-24

Alternativ-Typ (lt. Commodore):

VorkommenAnzahlPosition Bemerkung
A3640 9 U,Typ 543SO
A 1 U,-

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Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/22 00:26