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de:parts:68030 [2015/08/01 06:56] – Bild MWankede:parts:68030 [2024/09/22 00:26] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 18: Zeile 18:
 The MC68030 provides a code-compatible upgrade path to the MC68020. It offers enhanced performance through additional cache, a memory management unit, and a bursting data bus. The MC68EC030 offers a lower cost embedded solution by removing the memory management unit. The MC68030 provides a code-compatible upgrade path to the MC68020. It offers enhanced performance through additional cache, a memory management unit, and a bursting data bus. The MC68EC030 offers a lower cost embedded solution by removing the memory management unit.
 +===== Technische Merkmale =====
 +:!: [[de:parts:68030_mask|Übersichts-Seite]] zu den verschiedenen Masken und Übertaktungen und Fälschungen (Fakes)
   * On-Chip Memory Management Unit (MC68030)   * On-Chip Memory Management Unit (MC68030)
   * Internal Harvard Architecture   * Internal Harvard Architecture
Zeile 58: Zeile 61:
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-====== Masken-Revisionen der 68030-Variante ====== 
-^Pakage ^Socket ^Maske ^Jahr ^Strukturgröße ^XC/MC ^ 
-| plastic | PGA128 | 03C43C |  |  | MC68EC030RP25B, MC68030RP16B, | 
-| plastic | PGA128 | 04D66C |  |  | MC68EC030RP25B, MC68030RP25B, | 
-| plastic | PGA128 |  1F91C |  |  | MC68EC030RP40C, MC68EC030RP25C, MC68030RP33C, MC68030RP25C, | 
-| plastic | PGA128 | 09D66C |  |  | MC68030RP33B, | 
-| plastic | PGA128 | 62C74N |  |  | MC68EC030RP40B, MC68EC030RP25B, MC68030RP33B, | 
-| plastic | PGA128 | 59C74N |  |  | MC68EC030RP40B, MC68EC030RP25B, | 
-| plastic | PGA128 | 00G40W |  |  | MC68EC030RP40C, MC68EC030RP25C, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 00G40W |  |  | MC68030RC50C, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 01C74N |  |  | XC68030RC40B, MC68030RC40B, MC68030RC33B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 01F91C |  |  | MC68030RC50B, MC68030RC50C, MC68030RC33C, MC68030RC25C, MC68030RC16C, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 03C43C |  |  | XC68030RC16B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 03C74N |  |  | XC68030RC50B, XC68030RC40B, MC68030RC33B, MC68030RC25B, MC68030RC16B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 |  4B56P |  |  | XC68030RC25A, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 04D66C |  |  | MC68030RC33B, MC68030RC25B, MC68030RC20B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 |  5B47K |  |  | MC68030RC16E, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 05D66C |  |  | MC68030RC33B, MC68030RC25B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 06C74N |  |  | MC68030RC40B, MC68030RC20B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 07B67R |  |  | XC68030RC25B, XC68030RC16B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 09B67R |  |  | XC68030RC25B, XC68030RC20B, XC68030RC16B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 09C74N |  |  | MC68030RC50B, MC68030RC40B, MC68030RC25B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 10B67R |  |  | XC68030RC33B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 11B67R |  |  | XC68030RC33B, XC68030RC25B, XC68030RC20B, XC68030RC16B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 12B67R |  |  | XC68030RC33B, XC68030RC16B, | 
-| ceramic | PGA128 | 12C74N |  |  | MC68030RC50B, | 
-| ceramic | QFP132 | 00D62C |  |  | PC68030FE25B, PC68030FE20B, 
-| ceramic | QFP132 | ? |  |  | MC68030FE20, | 
-| ceramic | QFP132 |  1F91C |  |  | MC68EC030FE40C, | 
-| ceramic | QFP132 | 02D62C |  |  | MC68030FE16B, | 
-| ceramic | QFP132 | 05D66C |  |  | MC68030FE33B, | 
-| ceramic | QFP132 | 09C74N |  |  | MC68030FE25B, | 
-  * {{:de:parts:pcn_r00283_f91c.pdf|}} Maskwechsel F91C 
 ===== Pinbelegung / Pinout ===== ===== Pinbelegung / Pinout =====
- +[{{:de:parts:mc68030_pga_pinout.png?350|Pinout MC68030RCxx (PGA)}}]\\  
-  * siehe Datenblatt / besser Bild u/o Tabelle +die mit NCbezeichneten Pins sind beim 68**EC**030 nicht vorhanden\\  
 +siehe auch Datenblätter 
 +  * MC68030 ... FIXME 
 +  * MC68EC030 {{:de:parts:mc68ec030ts.pdf|Technical Summary}} 523kB engl. 
 +<awbox clear></awbox>
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Zuletzt geändert: 2024/09/21 23:29