The first page of the new AmigaWiki
The very most work is done in the german section →German Index
Please choose the 'de' Language instead of 'en' (at the right top-area)
for now. Thanks.
The Amiga Computer
AMIGA ... my girlfriend !!
This exclamation has awakened countless memories and emotions for 30 years until today. It's no coincidence that the Spanish word 'Amiga' means 'the girlfriend'.
This wiki tries to capture the 'Spirit of Amiga' and make it accessible to everyone.
There should be something for everyone:
For all those who got or found an Amiga from somewhere and have questions: What is this? What can I do with it? (
-> Click here to continue!)
For friends and parents, and also for the children of the Amiga fans, to explain what and why he is busy and sinking into it (
-> Click here to continue!)
For all beginners, to show and explain the possibilities and functions (
-> click here!)
For all advanced users, to explain further details and for important tips on maintenance and service
-> click here!
For all professionals, to give them well-founded and as comprehensive as possible information and a lot of technical and repair tools to help them to keep the valuable substance in their hands
-> here's where to go!
For those who already know everything. So much is already said: There will also be exclusive' news' (
-> here it goes on!)
And of course also people who want to share their Amiga knowledge with others (
-> here it goes on!)
… and last but not least for all those who have always missed a fast and comprehensive reference for the Amiga.
(to the -> Index)
big welcome ...
As we have just begun, of course a lot of pages are missing .
But, and this is the beauty of a wiki, everyone can help.
Because then it could soon be: Question? … Look into the AmigaWiki!
Who would like to write something
'red Links' are missing pages - the 'blue' ones are existing pages
A wiki does not fit into a hierarchical menu structure, because it is much more powerful and flexible than that. Therefore, there are several ways to find your way around.
over the main categories and then through the documents, where the '
blue' words represent the clickable links to other existing articles and the'
red' words indicate (not yet) existing articles.
The button '
Index' leads to a list of all pages in this wiki.
The button '
Updates' above leads to a chronologically ordered list of the last changes.
Each subfolder has its own start page with a table of contents. Most subfolders (categories) can also be accessed via the quick links at the bottom of each page.
The 'Overviews' button leads to a list of all topic-oriented overview pages. These have been assembled by hand and should be as complete as possible. Therefore, they also contain links to pages that have not yet been created.
The' Breadcrumbs' („You are here:“) in the upper left corner show which page and folder/subfolder you are currently viewing.
Rules especially for AmigaWiki
Public wikis work! This has been proven by Wikipedia. But if everyone is allowed to edit everything, this only works for a certain minimum number of users (and moderators). That's why I have to set a rule here for still 'private' wiki:
Only those who have previously registered as users are allowed to edit a page.
It's very simple. Further information: please read more here.
A request
Since the pages are still brand new, is certainly still one or bug.
So my big request :
Reports errors or improvements in the software
-> here
Announces improvements to content
-> here
searching for translator