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de:misc:amiga_logos [2024/09/22 00:25] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
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 +====== Amiga Logos ======
 +Übersicht der verschiedenen Logos von Commodore und Amiga.
 +===== Commodore 1962-84 =====
 +vor Amiga\\ 
 +===== Commodore 1985-94 =====
 +zur Amigazeit bis Commodore-Ende\\ 
 +===== Amiga 1982-84 =====
 +Amiga Corporation (vor Commodore)\\ 
 +===== Amiga 1985 =====
 +This is a logo owned by Commodore-Amiga Inc. for Amiga. It is a historical logo. Its historical usage is as follows: Discontinued in the late 1980s. Further details: Amiga "tick" logo (1985).\\ 
 +Typeface: ITC Garamond Bold Italic\\ 
 +Source: SVG reconstruction of the logo retrieved from the Amiga Basic Manual\\ 
 +===== Amiga 199x =====
 +Logo used in the US on some product packaging for the Amiga 500\\ 
 +===== Amiga 1996 =====
 +Amiga Technologies (nach Commodore)
 +====== Hinweis ======
 +<awbox important>Alle Symbole und Fonts sind nur für den privaten und persönlichen Gebrauch!
 +Und alle Zeichen und Schriften sind und bleiben urheberrechtlich geschützt, auch wenn man sie für sich selbst nachbildet!</awbox>
 +===== Zum Thema =====
 +The name Amiga was chosen by the developers from the Spanish word for a female friend, because they knew Spanish, and because it occurred before Apple and Atari alphabetically. It also conveyed the message that the Amiga computer line was "user friendly" as a pun or play on words.
 +The first official Amiga logo was a rainbow-colored double check mark. In later marketing material Commodore largely dropped the checkmark and used logos styled with various typefaces. Though it was never adopted as a trademark by Commodore, the "Boing Ball" has been synonymous with Amiga since its launch. It became an unofficial and enduring theme after a visually impressive animated demonstration at the 1984 Winter Consumer Electronics Show in January 1984 showing a checkered ball bouncing and rotating. Following Escom's purchase of Commodore in 1996, the Boing Ball theme was incorporated into a new logo.
 +Early Commodore advertisements attempted to cast the computer as an all-purpose business machine, though the Amiga was most commercially successful as a home computer. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s Commodore primarily placed advertising in computer magazines and occasionally in national newspapers and on television.\\ 
 +{{  :awschriftzug.gif?nolink|}}
 +====== Links ======
 +  * zur Seite mit den [[de:misc:fonts|Zeichensätzen (Fonts)]]
 +  * Download: {{|}} in SVG (10kB)
 +  * zu Nachweisquellen
 +    * [[|Wikipedia: Commodore-Logo 1962]]
 +    * [[|Wikipedia: Commodore-Logo 1985]]
 +    * [[|Amiga History Guide: Amiga-Logo 1982-84]]
 +    * [[|Wikipedia: Amiga-Logo 1985]]
 +    * [[|Wikipedia: Sonder-Amiga-Logo]]
 +    * [[|Wikipedia: Amiga-Logo 1996]]
 +  * zu Dokumentationen
Zuletzt geändert: 1970/01/01 01:00